Unique & Clean

Super clean minimal design. Awesome features with endless possibilites.


Super clean minimal design. Awesome features with endless possibilites.

Great Usability

Super clean minimal design. Awesome features with endless possibilites.

Welcome to Bizpress WordPressTheme

Our building blocks make it easy to integrate location into any mobile or online application. We want to change the way people move around cities and understand our planet.

Content Strategy

We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.


We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.

Social media

We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.

App Development

We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.

Content Production

We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.

Design & UX

We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.
A digital studio crafting beautiful experiences.

Everything you need to build an awesome website
Purchase now

Why Choose Bizpress


We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.


We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.


We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.

Projects Finished


Happy Clients


Hours of work


Cup of coffee


Meet our Super Heroes

We are awesome

Most businesses think that product is the most important thing, but without great leadership, mission and a team that deliver results at a high level, even the best product won’t make a company successful.

Larry Schmidt

Chairman & CEO

Theresa Hamilton

HR & Process Manager

Raymond Payne

Managing Director

Brittany Robertson

Chief Financial Officer

Henry Andrews

UX Designer

Marilyn Welch

Digital Designer
We work hard to give you unique experience.

Everything you need to build an awesome website


      実は数日前からイタリアに来ています   前からずっと行ってみたかったイタリア!  今回は夏期講習でカーヴァ・デ・ティッレーニという、サレルノ近くのところに滞在でした。 サレルノ駅前のルンゴマーレをふらふら 本当は夕日が沈む頃に行きたかったんだけど、初めて訪れる地での迷子率150パーセントなので着いた頃にはどっぷり沈んでしまいました こちらが滞在していた町! うーん。のんびりしていてすごく素敵な街並みなのに写真センスがなくてあんまり伝わらない…(ごめんなさい) ちなみに音楽大学みたいなものはないので夏期講習の会場は小学校?みたいなところを借りて行われました。 レッスンは普通の部屋に2台ピアノが入っていてよくある光景だったのですが、 ...


はじめまして! ピアニストの中川真耶加(なかがわまやか)です。 実はとても機械音痴なのですが 昨日このHPを作ってくださったFineAllise(株)の後藤さんからパソコンの使い方をみっっちり指導してもらって、これならブログも書けそうだ!と、 思い切って開設してみました(`・ω・´) 日常のことや演奏会情報のことなど更新していきたいなと思っています。 お付き合い頂けたら嬉しいです。 それではまた!